Unsere Anwältinnen und Anwälte
Reto M. Jenny
Reto M. Jenny
Dr. Reto Jenny ist Mitglied des Insurance & Reinsurance sowie des Dispute Resolution Teams. Er berät schweizerische und ausländische Klienten einschliesslich Versicherer und Rückversicherer in streitigen und nichtstreitigen Angelegenheiten und vertritt diese vor Gerichten und Behörden in der Schweiz wie auch vor Schiedsgerichten. Ein weiterer Fokus liegt im Versicherungsaufsichtsrecht. Reto Jenny hat umfangreiche Erfahrung unter anderem in der Versicherung von Banken (Professional liability und crime policies) sowie in der Organhaftpflicht-, Produktehaftpflicht- und Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung.
Zugelassen in der Schweiz (2006)
- Insurance & Reinsurance
- Dispute Resolution
- White Collar Crimes & Investigations
- Swiss Arbitration Academy (ArbP, 2011)
- New York University (LL.M., 2009, Dean's Graduate Award)
- Universität Zürich (Dr. iur., 2005, Issekutz-Preis, Walther Hug-Preis; lic. iur., 2001)
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Zürcher und Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit
- International Bar Associaton
- Union Internationale des Avocats
+41 44 254 55 16
Next Generation Partner — Legal 500 2024
Reto M. Jenny is especially knowledgeable in the field of insurance supervision law. — Legal 500 2024
The team around Christoph Graber has leading experience and many successes in insurance cases. So far, we have never lost in a trial when represented by Graber. — Legal 500 2024
Extremely knowledgeable and very responsive team, led by Christoph Graber, one of Switzerland’s most renowned insurance specialist and advisor, seconded by Reto M. Jenny and Andrea Stäubli. — Legal 500 2024
They field one of the largest insurance teams in Switzerland and regularly advise and represent us in insurance matters, in particular in complex claims. Their team is highly skilled and very dedicated to its clients, making them one of the leading providers in this field. — Legal 500 2024
Reto Jenny ranks among the elite of practitioners in our research for his advice and representation on contentious insurance matters. — Who's Who Legal Insurance & Reinsurance 2023
What distinguishes him most from his peers is that he is not just trusting his experience, but he is very patient and diligent when having to analyze extensive documents received from the client or the claimant in a dispute. — Legal 500 Insurance 2023
He is very well organized and able to quickly understand and put a memo in place for any large and chaotic cases. Also, his writs are well received. — Legal 500 Insurance 2023