Unsere Anwältinnen und Anwälte
Philipp E. Zurkinden
Philipp E. Zurkinden
Prof. Dr. Philipp Zurkinden leitet das Team Competition. Er berät nationale und internationale Mandanten in Kartellverfahren (Abrede-, Missbrauchs- und Zusammenschlussfälle) sowie im Beihilferecht. Aufgrund vertiefter Kenntnisse im EU-Kartellrecht arbeitet er oft in multijurisdiktionellen Verfahren mit etablierten internationalen Kanzleien. Ebenso ist er in der Compliance-Beratung aktiv. Vor dem Eintritt bei Prager Dreifuss arbeitete er im Seco am Aufbau des bis heute gültigen Kartellgesetzes und leitete die Ausbildung des Sekretariats der Weko ins neue Gesetz. Philipp Zurkinden lehrt Kartellrecht an der Uni Basel.
Zugelassen in der Schweiz (1989)
- Competition & Regulatory Matters
- Universität Basel (Prof. Dr. iur, 2013; Dr. iur., 1997)
- Europainstitut des Saarlandes (LL.M. Eur., 1984)
- Universität Bern (Fürsprecher, 1989)
- Deutsch
- Französisch
- Englisch
- Italienisch
- Spanisch
- Europäische Rechtsanwaltsvereinigung
- Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband
- Bernischer Anwaltsverband
Nicole Stofer
+41 31 327 54 23
The exchange/contact with the responsible people is excellent. There is a quick response and action and optimal solutions are shown. The treatment of the clientele is very courteous. — Legal 500 2024
The lawyers responsible for us responded excellently to our needs and conducted the negotiations entirely in our interests. Documents were drawn up within a very reasonable period of time and submitted where necessary. We were always well informed about the following (legal) steps. — Legal 500 2024
The team has in-depth expertise in different sectors. They are efficient and creative and deliver the highest quality customised solutions. — Legal 500 2024
Philipp Zurkinden is our main contact person. He has in-depth knowledge of both Swiss and European antitrust law, which makes him very well placed to help. — Legal 500 2024
Pragmatic, fast and highly professional. — Legal 500 2024
Quick perception, pragmatic with excellent know-how. — Legal 500 2024
The competition team at Prager Dreifuss is of very high calibre. It has a wealth of experience in all aspects of competition law. It has special expertise in cartel work and is involved in all major cartel cases. It is a well-respected and all-round team that you can turn to even for the most difficult of cases.— Legal 500 2024
Philipp Zurkinden is an excellent and very dependable competition law expert. He is very analytical and always proceeds with great care. He is creative and never looses sight of the client’s objectives. — Legal 500 2024
Profound knowledge of the law and the most recent practice of the authorities — Legal 500 2020
Has magisterial expertise in an array of competition matters, such as state aid — Chambers 2020
Provides extraordinary service in competition law — Legal 500 2020
The team is very reliable, responsive and accurate in the solution proposed — Legal 500 EMEA 2022
‘Philipp Zurkinden and Bernhard Lauterburg are responsive. Their answers are always well explained, well detailed. They offer several options to find the best solution for us. They are proactive. — Legal 500 EMEA 2022
The professional support is excellent and there is the willingness to go the extra mile. — Legal 500 EMEA 2022
Philipp Zurkinden has profound knowledge of Swiss and EU antitrust law. He has a wide and valuable network in the antitrust community. — Legal 500 EMEA 2022
Has deep understanding of corporate needs and efficient and productive way of collaborating — Legal 500 2020
Global Leader in Competition — Who's Who Legal 2020
National Leader in Competition — Who's Who Legal 2020