
Competition & Regulatory Matters

We have in-depth and internationally recognized experience in competition law and regulatory matters. We regularly represent companies of all sizes in antitrust and merger control proceedings before the Swiss competition authorities and support our clients with compliance in sales and licensing matters, cooperative ventures and other day-to-day business relating to competition law. Our excellent knowledge of EU competition law and various languages facilitate collaboration with law firms abroad in international matters.

Our Competition & Regulatory Matters services include

  • Antitrust investigation proceedings, house searches, practices of market-dominant companies, civil antitrust proceedings (actions for damages)
  • National and international merger control proceedings
  • Contract drafting and compliance
  • Public procurement and state aid law, investment protection
  • EU monitoring services in sector-specific areas through our office in Brussels

We advise you

Feel free to contact us

Our Competition & Regulatory Matters team

Marino Baldi

Senior Counsel

Oliver Jany



Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: Lexology

Secretariat of Competition Commission advises on notification obligation following changes of shareholder agreement

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany

EU Cartel Policy Enforcement: Challenges and Responses

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (SZK)

Marktuntersuchungen als neues Instrument für Wettbewerbsbehörden?

Subject: Banking & Finance, Competition & Regulatory Matters, Corporate & M&A, Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Paper: PD Newsletter

Amendment of the Swiss Civil Procedure Code

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Marino Baldi
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 2 Min

UBS - Secure competition

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters

Awards 2021 for the Competition Team by Who is Who Legal

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Bernhard C. Lauterburg, Philipp E. Zurkinden

Annual Report on Jurisprudence in Swiss Competition Law in 2019/2020

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Bernhard C. Lauterburg, Philipp E. Zurkinden
Paper: Chambers and Partners, Merger Control
Reading time: 7 Min

Merger Control - Trends & Developments in Switzerland (in Chambers Global)

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Reto M. Jenny
Paper: CapLaw
Reading time: 5 Min

Partial revision of the Insurance Contract Act

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 2 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: ZiS

Künstliche Intelligenz und Strafrechtspflege – eine Orientierung

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Bernhard C. Lauterburg, Philipp E. Zurkinden
Paper: Getting The Deal Through

Public Procurement 2019 – Switzerland

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Ralph Butz, Corinne Nobs
Paper: The Lawyer

Revision of the Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Act

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Michael Mosimann, Christian Schönfeld
Paper: PD Newsletter

Fintech Newsletter September 2019: Praktische Auswirkungen der neuen FINMA-Aufsichtsmitteilung "Zahlungsverkehr auf der Blockchain"