
Dispute Resolution

Companies cannot always avoid conflicts, but the inevitable should not escalate into a threat to their survival. We have many years of experience in asserting civil claims and in complex international commercial disputes, including associated criminal proceedings, judicial and administrative assistance procedures and asset recovery. The same applies to international arbitration procedures. Whether pre-trial, in internal investigations or in appeal procedures, with us, you will find a motivated and expert team for all kinds of court, arbitration and enforcement proceedings. 

Our Dispute Resolution services include

  • Proceedings before national courts in civil and criminal matters
  • Representation of parties in arbitration proceedings
  • Support in avoiding disputes and in reaching amicable settlements
  • Identification and recovery of assets and enforcement of judgements
  • International judicial and administrative assistance

We advise you

Feel free to contact us

Urs Feller


Our Dispute Resolution team

Hans-Ulrich Brunner


Compliance Officer

Daniel Hayek


Chief Executive Officer

Gion Jegher


Mark Meili


Andreas Moll


Mike Abegg


Marcel Frey


Gaudenz F. Domenig

Senior Counsell

Livio Chiesa


Martin Heisch


Raphael Märki


Maria Spiess


Andreas Hauser



Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law
Reading time: 30 Min

Litigation and Enforcement in Switzerland: Overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law

Arbitration Procedures and Practice in Switzerland: Overview

Subject: Banking & Finance, Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Mohamed Hasnaoui
Paper: IFLR
Reading time: 2 Min

Swiss banking secrecy revisited: revised disclosure framework for documents in criminal investigations

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Mohamed Hasnaoui
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 3 Min

Live streaming into the courtroom

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Martin Heisch
Paper: Global Competition Review
Reading time: 2 Min

GCR Class Actions Hub 2024 Switzerland: Class actions – litigation, policy and latest developments

Subject: Banking & Finance, Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Reading time: 3 Min
Paper: IFLR Local Insights

Heirs’ information requests to banks: cracking the safe in Switzerland

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Raphael Märki
Paper: GAR Know-How Litigation
Reading time: 8 Min

GAR Know-how Litigation 2024: Swiss Chapter

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Mohamed Hasnaoui
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 4 Min

Is the artificial lawyer coming?

Subject: Dispute Resolution, White Collar Crimes & Investigations
Autor: Marcel Frey
Reading time: 4 Min

International Business Crime & Fraud – Switzerland

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Reading time: 4 Min

Jurisdictional hurdles in investment disputes in China – a recent judgment of the Swiss Federal Tribunal

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Reto M. Jenny
Paper: Financier Worldwide
Reading time: 4 Min

Commercial Arbitration in Switzerland

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Reading time: 5 Min

The right to appeal for reasons of recusal – The Federal Tribunal maintains a strict approach

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 3 Min

Globalisation reaches the Zurich Commercial Court

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Practical Law Country Guide
Reading time: 5 Min

Litigation and Enforcement in Switzerland: Overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg

Arbitration Procedures and Practices in Switzerland: Overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey
Reading time: 5 Min

The long race of Caster Semenya: European Court for Human Rights chides Swiss Federal Supreme Court

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Raphael Märki
Paper: ZZZ
Reading time: 4 Min

Interruption of Limitation Period by Request for Conciliation in «wrong» Currency

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Martin Heisch
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 5 Min

For internationally active companies, continuing their business in Russia is a balancing act.

Subject: Banking & Finance, Competition & Regulatory Matters, Corporate & M&A, Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Paper: PD Newsletter

Amendment of the Swiss Civil Procedure Code

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Martin Heisch

Chambers Europe 2023 Switzerland – Statutory Arbitration Clauses Under the New Swiss Corporate Law

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Reto M. Jenny

INDEPTH FEATURE: Commercial Arbitration 2023 – Switzerland

Label: Highlight
Subject: Dispute Resolution, Litigation
Autor: Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 4 Min

How companies sue states

Subject: Dispute Resolution, White Collar Crimes & Investigations
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Paper: PD Newsletter
Reading time: 5 Min

Remote Hearing of Swiss Witnesses in International Civil Procedures – Changes on the Legislative Horizon

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Oliver Jany

Strafrecht und Demokratie, (Hrsg)

Subject: Dispute Resolution, Litigation
Autor: Urs Feller, Martin Heisch
Paper: Chambers Europe 2022

Collective Redress – Switzerland keeps up with European developments

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey

Chambers Europe 2021 Overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law
Reading time: 7 Min

Litigation and enforcement in Switzerland: overview

Label: Highlight
Subject: Dispute Resolution, Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Gion Christian Casanova
Paper: HAVE Haftung und Versicherung
Reading time: 5 Min

Rückgriff des Eigenschadenversicherers – eine neue Ordnung?

Subject: Dispute Resolution, Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Gion Christian Casanova
Reading time: 5 Min

The Insurance Disputes Law Review 2020: Switzerland

Label: Highlight
Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: IFLR
Reading time: 5 Min

Sun Yang and Switzerland’s international arbitration rules

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law

A Q&A guide to arbitration law and practice in Switzerland.

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Cinzia Paolucci

INDEPTH FEATURE: Commercial Arbitration 2021 – Switzerland

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Nina Lim
Paper: The Lawyer
Reading time: 5 Min

‘One for all’, or arbitration clauses with effect for unconcluded contracts?

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Nicolas Dommer, Reto M. Jenny, Cinzia Paolucci
Paper: GAR Know-How Litigation

"GAR Know-How Litigation": Swiss Chapter

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller
Paper: IBA Litigation Newsletter

IBA Annual Conference report Seoul 2019 "Litigation crisis management"

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey
Paper: The Lawyer
Reading time: 5 Min

Admissible and Inadmissible complaints in Swiss Arbitration

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law
Reading time: 30 Min

Litigation and enforcement in Switzerland: overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Thomson Reuters Practical Law
Reading time: 30 Min

Arbitration procedures and practice in Switzerland: overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Michaela Kappeler
Paper: LexisNexis Professional Support Lawyer (PSL)

No-deal Brexit and jurisdiction issues - the Swiss position

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Michaela Kappeler
Paper: LexisNexis Professional Support Lawyer (PSL)

Recognition and enforcement of UK judgments in Switzerland post no-deal Brexit

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Andreas A. Schregenberger
Paper: IFLR

Right to be heard vs. "surprising" contract interpretation

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Gion Christian Casanova, Andreas A. Schregenberger
Paper: NYSBA International Law Practicum

The Scope of Due Service of Process: Swiss Law Considerations on the Enforcement of Foreign Default Judgments

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Bernhard C. Lauterburg
Paper: Practical Law Country Guide

Litigation and enforcement in Switzerland: overview

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Urs Feller, Nina Lim
Paper: The Lawyer

Class Actions in Switzerland

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili
Paper: IFLR

IFLR: New law for the recogntion of foreign insolvency decrees in Switzerland