Subject: Corporate News
Reading time: 1 Min

Vis Moot Court — Second Trial Run at Prager Dreifuss

The second Moot Court practice run this year at Prager Dreifuss! On 17 March 2023, there was another encounter before the arbitral tribunal, the case was the same. The hearing began with the respondent — state-owned Equatoriana Geoscience Ltd — represented by Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand (procedural issues) and Iphigénie Carbonel (substantive issues) from the University of Basel. Respondent presented convincing and well-argued points against the jurisdiction of the tribunal.

The claimant—drone manufacturer Drone Eye plc—was represented by Perla Bachmann (procedural issues) and Anaïs Frischknecht (substantive issues) from the University of Zurich. Counsel for claimant also argued in the very best English, already the briefs submitted by the parties were of the highest standard. The debate turned – inter alia – on the question what qualifies as an aircraft and is therefore excluded from the scope of the applicable treaty on international sales of goods (CISG). The students researched thoroughly the jurisprudence available, assessing decisions on hot air balloons, submarines and used cars.

In the end, the team from the University of Zurich, with its good arguments and convincing presentation, was able to secure a narrow advantage with arbitral tribunal. The arbitration panel consisted of Marcel Frey as chairman and the two party-nominated arbitrators Gion Jegher and Bernhard Lauterburg. We wish both teams every success in the competition!

Behind closed doors... Behind closed doors...

Behind closed doors...

Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand has the first word. Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand has the first word.

Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand has the first word.

While Anaïs Frischknecht thoroughly cites from the jurisprudence available. While Anaïs Frischknecht thoroughly cites from the jurisprudence available.

While Anaïs Frischknecht thoroughly cites from the jurisprudence available.

Interposed questions may also be presented in a light-hearted manner. Interposed questions may also be presented in a light-hearted manner.

Interposed questions may also be presented in a light-hearted manner.

Iphigénie Carbonel concludes the round of pleadings. Iphigénie Carbonel concludes the round of pleadings.

Iphigénie Carbonel concludes the round of pleadings.

The Arbitral Tribunal framed by the Claimants and Respondents (from left Perla Bachmann, Anaïs Frischknecht, Gion Jegher, Marcel Frey, Bernhard Lauterburg, Iphigénie Carbonel and Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand). The Arbitral Tribunal framed by the Claimants and Respondents (from left Perla Bachmann, Anaïs Frischknecht, Gion Jegher, Marcel Frey, Bernhard Lauterburg, Iphigénie Carbonel and Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand).

The Arbitral Tribunal framed by the Claimants and Respondents (from left Perla Bachmann, Anaïs Frischknecht, Gion Jegher, Marcel Frey, Bernhard Lauterburg, Iphigénie Carbonel and Tsagaanlkham Badamkhand).

Afterwards there is discussions over a glass of wine... Anschliessend gibt Diskussionen bei einem Glas Wein. Afterwards there is discussions over a glass of wine... Anschliessend gibt Diskussionen bei einem Glas Wein.

Afterwards there is discussions over a glass of wine... Anschliessend gibt Diskussionen bei einem Glas Wein.

...and a deeper consideration of the case.... ...and a deeper consideration of the case....

...and a deeper consideration of the case....

...last but not least, everyone can relax. ...last but not least, everyone can relax.

...last but not least, everyone can relax.