Vis Moot Court — Trial Run at Prager Dreifuss
Hybrid hearing with counsel for claimant from the University of St. Gallen (Damian Wyss and Jens Neese) and counsel for respondent from the University of Basel (Roger Reschek and Océane Kessler) on Monday, March 14, 2022, at the Zurich office of Prager Dreifuss:
A sudden withdrawal from an “in person” attendance by the Basel team due to a Covid contact issue challenged us to find an alternate setup for the hearing at short notice. Thanks to our IT hero Patrick Schmidhalter, we were able to prepare a hybrid courtroom with counsel for respondent (Basel) on screen and counsel for claimant (St. Gallen) in person. Our attorneys Marcel Frey (chairman), Gion Jegher and Bernhard Lauterburg formed the arbitral tribunal. They were deeply impressed by the technical language skills and the compelling arguments displayed by the four law students acting as counsel. While the St. Gallen team had a slight advantage in the room, the Basel team was credited with the digital disadvantage. The verdict at the end: a well-deserved draw.

The tribunal’s chairman opening the session (the setting a bit more hybrid than usual)

Counsel for claimant fully engaged

And they seem to have fun, too

Off the wall: University of Basel

Counsel for respondent cooling down

Famous last words from Basel

Marcel Frey presents the verdict: a well-earned tie by both teams and a celebratory cocktail for those physically present (sorry, Basel!)
Vis Moot Court — Trial Run at Prager Dreifuss