Vis Moot Court # 2 — Next Trial Run at Prager Dreifuss
On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the second trial run hearing within a week took place at the Zurich office of Prager Dreifuss with counsel for claimant from the University of Zurich (Lara Langer and Hadjar Sbaih) and counsel for respondent from the University of Lucerne (Asia Ponti and Andrea Greub), this time “in personal attendance”.
Our attorneys Marcel Frey (chairman), Gion Jegher and Bernhard Lauterburg constituted the arbitration tribunal. They asked parties' counsel many challenging questions. The young law students gave detailed answers showing great command of the facts and the law. The tribunal was deeply impressed by the professional expertise of the four students. Its only advice to the new generation: More passion and less argument is sometimes more. The verdict in the end: a narrow win for Lucerne.

The hearing begins

All eyes are on the law students

Lucerne has the floor first

Counterarguments from Zurich

And some more in-depth technical reasoning on top of that

This of course raises questions

The final flourish from Lucerne

And a detailed review of the parties' presentations from the chairman

The aperitif was truly well deserved
Vis Moot Court # 2 — Next Trial Run at Prager Dreifuss