Our lawyers
Marino Baldi
Senior Counsel
Marino Baldi
Dr Marino Baldi advises on Swiss and international business law, particularly antitrust and competition law, the law of international trade relations, international investments and on European single market law. As the Swiss ambassador and a member of SECO’s Board of Directors, he led many international trade negotiations and played a critically important part in the current competition and single market law. He was a member of the Swiss Competition Commission and teaches European and international business law at the University of Zurich.
Practice Areas
- Competition & Regulatory Matters
- Corporate & M&A
- University of St. Gallen (Dr. oec., 1972; lic. oec., 1966)
- University of St. Gallen (research assistant in business and trade law, 1966-69)
- University of Brussels (lic. en droit européen, 1968)
- German
- English
- French
- Italian
- Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht (Competition Lawyers Association)
- Fachgruppe Kartellrecht des Bernischen Anwaltsverbands (Competition Law Panel of Bernese Bar Association)
- International Bar Association
- World Trade Institute, Senior Research Fellow
Nicole Stofer
+41 31 327 54 23