Our lawyers


Oliver Jany


Position: Associate
Practice Areas: Competition & Regulatory Matters , Corporate & M&A , Insolvency & Restructuring
Field-Display: Competition & Regulatory Matters Team , Corporate & M&A Team , Insolvency & Restructuring Team

Oliver Jany has been an Associate at Prager Dreifuss since 2024. He advises national and international clients on contractual, corporate, debt enforcement, and bankruptcy matters. In addition, Oliver Jany acquired in-depth knowledge of Swiss and European Competition and Antitrust law at a major Zurich commercial law firm, at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition in Brussels, and during his PhD at the University of Zurich. 


+41 44 254 55 55



Admission to the Bar

Admitted in Switzerland (Art. 28 BGFA) 2021; RAK Freiburg i. Br. (2020) 

Practice Areas

  • Insolvency & Restructuring
  • Competition & Regulatory Matters
  • Corporate & M&A


  • University of Zurich (Dr. iur., 2024)
  • University of Freiburg i. Br. (first (2016) and second state exam (2018))
  • University of Surrey, Guildford, VK (2013)


  • German
  • English
  • Spanish



  • Zurich and Swiss Bar Association 
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V. (Germany and Switzerland)
  • Freiburg im Breisgau Bar Association


Subject: Corporate & M&A
Autor: Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili, Livio Chiesa, Oliver Jany
Paper: Legal 500
Reading time: 10 Min

Legal 500: Investing in Switzerland 2025

In the Legal 500: Investing in Switzerland article, Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili, Livio Chiesa and Oliver Jany highlight Switzerland's favourable investment climate, driven by political stability, economic strength, and an attractive tax system. Switzerland's strong legal protections and robust dispute resolution mechanisms further enhance its appeal to foreign investors. The article outlines both upcoming regulations like the Investment Control Act, and the ease of setting up businesses and investing, while also providing valuable practical advice.

Find out more in the article by clicking the PDF-button below.

Label: Highlight
Subject: Insolvency & Restructuring
Autor: Daniel Hayek, Mark Meili, Shannon Sangiorgio, Oliver Jany
Reading time: 1 Min

Prager Dreifuss advises trustee of a U.S. Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Process on recognition in Switzerland

On October 3, 2024, the Zurich District Court recognized, for the first time, the trustee of a U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding as a foreign bankruptcy administrator in Switzerland, while waiving the auxiliary bankruptcy proceedings. The trustee may now, subject to Swiss law, exercise all powers in Switzerland to which he is entitled under U.S. law, in accordance with Article 174a, Paragraph 4 of the Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA). Notably, this includes the right to obtain information about the debtor’s assets in Switzerland and the right to transfer these assets abroad.

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: Lexology

Secretariat of Competition Commission advises on notification obligation following changes of shareholder agreement

Under the Swiss Cartel Act, a notification of planned concentrations is required if the relevant turnover thresholds pursuant to article 9(1) of the Cartel Act are met.

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany

EU Cartel Policy Enforcement: Challenges and Responses

This article highlights recent EU cartel policy and enforcement developments. Section II provides an overview of the Commission’s main achievements during 2021–2022, in light of a partly changed enforcement framework. Section III reviews selected cartel policy and enforcement issues. Finally, Section IV provides a summary and a brief outlook.


By Maria Jaspers, Oliver Jany in: JECLAP, Vol.14, Issue 6, p. 372–378, 2023

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 3 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht (SZK)

Marktuntersuchungen als neues Instrument für Wettbewerbsbehörden?

In numerous sectors, especially in the digital economy, market concentration has steadily increased in recent years and is rarely challenged by competitors. Existing competition laws have also done little to make digital markets more contestable. This article shows that market investigations can enable competition authorities to improve competitive conditions in digital markets. It assesses the use of market investigations in those jurisdictions that provide for them, explains their role in the digital economy, and discusses how market investigations might usefully be designed

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Oliver Jany

Strafrecht und Demokratie, (Hrsg)

9. Symposium des Jungen Strafrechts, Zürich 2022, Dieke, Nomos, 2023.

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Reading time: 2 Min
Autor: Oliver Jany
Paper: ZiS

Künstliche Intelligenz und Strafrechtspflege – eine Orientierung

The advancing digitalisation and technologicalisation enables the criminal justice system to break new ground in its field of activity. The development is progressing rapidly. The criminal law sciences are therefore called upon to take a closer look at the phenomenon of so-called artificial intelligence. This article provides an orientation on this develop-ment and critically examines its potential for application.

by Lukas Staffler und Oliver Jany, ZiS 4/2020, pages 164–177.