Our lawyers


Reto M. Jenny


Position: Partner
Practice Areas: Dispute Resolution , Insurance & Reinsurance , White Collar Crimes & Investigations
Field-Display: Dispute Resolution Team , Insurance & Reinsurance Team , White Collar Crimes & Investigations Team

Dr Reto Jenny is a member of the Insurance & Reinsurance and Dispute Resolution Teams. He advises Swiss and foreign clients, including insurance and reinsurance companies, on contentious and non-contentious matters and represents them in court and before administrative authorities in Switzerland and before arbitration tribunals. He also specializes in insurance regulatory law. Reto Jenny also has extensive experience in insurance for banks (professional liability and crime policies) and in directors’ and officers’ liability, product liability and business liability insurance.


+41 44 254 55 55



Admission to the Bar

Admitted in Switzerland (2006) 

Practice Areas

  • Insurance & Reinsurance
  • Dispute Resolution
  • White Collar Crimes & Investigations


  • Swiss Arbitration Academy (ArbP, 2011) 
  • New York University (LL.M., 2009, Dean's Graduate Award)
  • University of Zurich (Dr. iur., 2005, Issekutz prize, Walther Hug prize; lic. iur., 2001)


  • German
  • English


  • Zurich and Swiss Bar Association
  • Swiss Arbitration Association 
  • International Bar Association 
  • Union Internationale des Avocats 


+41 44 254 55 16

Next Generation Partner — Legal 500 2024

Reto M. Jenny is especially knowledgeable in the field of insurance supervision law. — Legal 500 2024

The team around Christoph Graber has leading experience and many successes in insurance cases. So far, we have never lost in a trial when represented by Graber. — Legal 500 2024

Extremely knowledgeable and very responsive team, led by Christoph Graber, one of Switzerland’s most renowned insurance specialist and advisor, seconded by Reto M. Jenny and Andrea Stäubli. — Legal 500 2024

They field one of the largest insurance teams in Switzerland and regularly advise and represent us in insurance matters, in particular in complex claims. Their team is highly skilled and very dedicated to its clients, making them one of the leading providers in this field. — Legal 500 2024

Reto Jenny ranks among the elite of practitioners in our research for his advice and representation on contentious insurance matters. — Who's Who Legal Insurance & Reinsurance 2023

What distinguishes him most from his peers is that he is not just trusting his experience, but he is very patient and diligent when having to analyze extensive documents received from the client or the claimant in a dispute. — Legal 500 Insurance 2023

He is very well organized and able to quickly understand and put a memo in place for any large and chaotic cases. Also, his writs are well received. — Legal 500 Insurance 2023


Subject: Employment & Pensions
Autor: Urs Feller, Marcel Frey, Reto M. Jenny
Reading time: 3 Min
Paper: Corporate Disputes

Internal investigations – a balancing act for HR and in-house counsel

Urs Feller,  Marcel Frey and Reto M. Jenny analyze a recent Federal Tribunal Decision that clarifies the rights of a suspected person in internal investigations. The decision dealt with the question what types of formal guarantees a person faced with allegations of sexual harassment of colleagues at the work place may expect and which rights do not come into play, contrary to the situation in a criminal investigation.

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Raphael Märki
Paper: GAR Know-How Litigation
Reading time: 8 Min

GAR Know-how Litigation 2024: Swiss Chapter

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Reto M. Jenny
Paper: Financier Worldwide
Reading time: 4 Min

Commercial Arbitration in Switzerland

Reto Jenny and Marcel Frey discuss the latest Swiss trends in commercial arbitration.

Subject: Corporate & M&A
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Mike Abegg

Commentary on Title 9 of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (art. 124-149)

It gives us great pleasure to congratulate our lawyers Reto M. Jenny and Mike Abegg on the publication of their commentary on Title 9 of the Swiss Code of Civil Procedure (art. 124-149) in the third edition of the Orell Füssli Commentary. The new edition is now available. Well done!

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Reto M. Jenny
Reading time: 2 Min

Who's Who Legal ranks our Insurance Team as “Global Leaders”

Four Prager Dreisfuss attorneys are ranked in the Insurance and Reinsurance rankings of Who's Who Legal

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Reto M. Jenny
Paper: Legal 500
Reading time: 2 Min

Legal 500 Top Tier Ranking for our Insurance Team

Prager Dreifuss' insurance team is described as "highly skilled and very dedicated". According to Legal 500, it belongs to the "Top Tier" category of Swiss insurance lawyers.

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Marcel Frey, Reto M. Jenny

INDEPTH FEATURE: Commercial Arbitration 2023 – Switzerland

Reto M. Jenny and Marcel Frey published the Swiss chapter in the latest edition of "InDepth Feature: Commercial Arbitration". In this chapter, the authors give an overview of the distinctive features of arbitration in Switzerland and of current developments.

Subject: Corporate News
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl
Reading time: 1 Min

Winter internships at Prager Dreifuss

The popular summer internship at Prager Dreifuss gets an ice-cold counterpart.

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Reto M. Jenny
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 5 Min

Companies are increasingly exposed to cyberattacks

Insurance against cyber risks is the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Lukas Strickler

GAR Know-How Litigation: Swiss Chapter

In the latest version of "GAR Know-How Litigation" Dr. Reto M. Jenny and Lukas Strickler provide an overview of the civil litigation system in Switzerland.

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Christoph K. Graber, Reto M. Jenny

The Swiss Insurance Contract Act – English translation published by Schulthess Publishing House

As a result of the partial revision that entered into force on 1 January 2022, the Swiss Insurance Contract Act has undergone some significant modifications. The present edition of the Act, which includes an English translation and a bilingual introduction to the structure and the systematics of the Act, is intended to provide insurance contract law practitioners a swift access to the legal provisions.

Subject: Corporate News
Autor: Gion Christian Casanova, Reto M. Jenny, Christian Schönfeld
Reading time: 1 Min

Prager Dreifuss joins VSUJ summer event

The summer event of the Association of Swiss Corporate Lawyers turned into a successful evening at the Zunfthaus zur Zimmerleuten in cooperation with Prager Dreifuss. PD attorneys Christian Casanova, Reto M. Jenny and Christian Schönfeld spoke on the topic of cyber risk and data protection, followed by an inspiring career keynote speech by Beat Hess, former in-house counsel, and current Chairman of LafargeHolcim.

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Cinzia Paolucci
Paper: GAR Know-How Litigation

GAR Know-How Litigation: Swiss Chapter

In the latest version of "GAR Know-How Litigation" Dr. Reto M. Jenny and Cinzia Paolucci provide an overview of the civil litigation system in Switzerland.

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Cinzia Paolucci

INDEPTH FEATURE: Commercial Arbitration 2021 – Switzerland

Reto M. Jenny and Cinzia Paolucci published the Swiss chapter in the latest edition of "InDepth Feature: Commercial Arbitration". In this chapter, the authors give an overview of the distinctive features of arbitration in Switzerland and of current developments.

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Christoph K. Graber, Reto M. Jenny
Paper: NZZ
Reading time: 4 Min

Insureds will get better protection

The new Insurance Contract Act offers advantages in the area of large risks and for consumers. By Christoph Graber and Reto Jenny.

Subject: Competition & Regulatory Matters
Autor: Reto M. Jenny
Paper: CapLaw
Reading time: 5 Min

Partial revision of the Insurance Contract Act

On June 19, 2020, the Swiss Parliament approved the partial revision of the Insurance Contract Act (ICA). The revised ICA will enter into force on 1 January 2022. The following article is intended to provide an overview of some (but not all) of the changes (for the revised ICA see https://www.admin.ch/opc/de/federal-gazette/2020/5661.pdf). References to articles of the ICA are references to the revised law (unless otherwise noted).

Link to article:
Partial revision of the Insurance Contract Act

Subject: Dispute Resolution
Autor: Nicolas Dommer, Reto M. Jenny, Cinzia Paolucci
Paper: GAR Know-How Litigation

"GAR Know-How Litigation": Swiss Chapter

Subject: Insurance & Reinsurance
Autor: Gion Christian Casanova, Reto M. Jenny
Paper: IFLR

IFLR - For a rainy day - corporate cyber insurance

Subject: Corporate News
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl

Summer Internship 2020

Subject: Corporate News
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl


Subject: Corporate News
Autor: Reto M. Jenny, Verena Morscher-Guggenbühl

Summer Internship