Subject: Loans / Covid 19
Autor: Vanessa Bernheim , Michael Mosimann , Rahel A. Nedi , Lukas Scherer
Paper: PD Launch Pad Newsletter

PD Launch Pad Newsletter May 2020: Liquidity Support for Start-ups Hit by COVID-19

With its COVID-19 Joint and Several Loan Guarantee Ordinance dated 25 March 2020 ("COVID-19 Guarantee Ordinance"), the Swiss Federal Council established a liquidity support scheme for small and mid-sized entities. Unfortunately, start-ups were not eligible for guaranteed credits under the COVID-19 Guarantee Ordinance. Following a first announcement on 22 April 2020, the Swiss Federal Council introduced a new liquidity support scheme for innovative Swiss start-ups on 4 May 2020 ("Start-up Support"). The guaranteed credits will become available as of 7 May 2020. Although highly appreciated, some start-ups might not benefit from the new support scheme.